SM L&S, Unveils World's First Innovative Hybrid Toothbrush 'Etee' with a Bang
SM L&S, Unveils World's First Innovative Hybrid Toothbrush 'Etee' with a Bang
2023.07.31 15:12 by 유선이


SM L&S (CEO Lim Seung Mo) announced on the 17th that after years of research, they will be unveiling an electric toothbrush that not only effectively reduces inflammation in teeth and gums but also removes plaque in hard-to-reach areas using microcurrents.


On July 24th, SM L&S will release the world's first innovative hybrid toothbrush called 'Etee', which utilizes their core technology called 'EM Wave' to generate "semiconductor microcurrent electromagnetic waves." These waves effectively eliminate the biofilm, a microbial layer that causes inflammation in gums and plaque on teeth.


Clinical results conducted on the general population have shown that the microcurrent toothbrush has approximately six times better plaque improvement compared to regular toothbrushes, with over 50% improvement in gum inflammation. It has also been proven to have superior effects in plaque removal, preventing tartar formation, and alleviating bad breath compared to regular toothbrushes. Currently, further clinical trials regarding breath freshening are underway in renowned university hospitals.


Biofilm is widely known as the main culprit behind inflammation in teeth and gums. Presently, the only solution to remove biofilm is through dental procedures.


By using Etee, another powerful effect can be observed. Etee delivers microcurrents throughout the oral cavity, reaching areas where the toothbrush cannot reach, thereby achieving the same effect as brushing those inaccessible areas. It also demonstrates excellent results in alleviating inflammation in the oral cavity.


EM Wave, developed by SM L&S, utilizes the characteristic of biofilm weakening its adhesion, cohesion, and connection to specific changes in the electromagnetic field. This enables effective dental and breath management.


Lee Yoo Seung, SM L&S' Director of External Cooperation, explained, "EM Wave is a specialized electromagnetic wave optimized for biofilm removal," adding that it operates on a biocurrent level of electrical energy, ensuring safety and no stimulation. Safety verification has also been completed.


Additionally, with the integration of droplet vibration technology, Etee gently massages the teeth and gums, removing foreign substances between teeth while strengthening the teeth. Users can choose between soft and hard modes for droplet vibration.


CEO, Lim Seung Mo stated, "Etee toothbrush, born from the combination of microcurrent signals and droplet vibration, which can be delivered simultaneously, aims to establish a new standard model for electric toothbrushes," and added, "We will continue to pursue research and development in various fields based on this technology."

Meanwhile, SM L&S has filed 12 patents related to microcurrents for the release of the Etee toothbrush and is currently undergoing registration procedures.



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